The Good, the Bad, the Ugly

Dec. 26, 2024 Crypto Currency Opinion

Positives and Negatives

An update on the cryptocurrency realm and industries and dapps and websites and charts and tokens and crashes and to the moon’s and on and on.

The cryptocurrency world has its good, bad, ugly, UPS, Downs, fair, not fair, glitches, not glitches, and all kinds of surprises,… whether good bad or ugly; and it’s not that much different from other areas of the internet, or gaming, entertainment, and the tech industry,… sometimes a surprise will happen where the token you just purchased crashes and it’s not just a coincidence it looks like it was definitely intentional.

The cryptocurrency industry has its players, influencers, and people that like to meddle, control, dominate, observe, and fight to keep their dominance. These account for a part of the realm, people, users, ……

There are also players, influencers, and people that are genuine making the communities a better place, maintaining steady progress, having fun, and working too.

A New Year

The new year of 2025 is looking like an interesting time for this industry and area of development, work, fun, and learning.

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